Welcome to the web site of the Liverpool and Merseyside Beekeepers Association (LBKA).
We are amateur beekeepers in the Merseyside area and are affiliated to the BBKA (British Beekeeping Association).
We normally hold monthly meetings, open to LBKA and BBKA members, with talks on various aspects of beekeeping.
For more information or to become a member, use the Contact Us page to send a message and your contact details.
LBKA Members’ meeting
LBKA members – see newsletter for details
We have been receiving donations of sugar from Bidfood. The sugar can’t be used in their food products but the bees don’t mind. Sugar is fed to bees to keep them going through the winter. It’s not used in the summer when they are making honey. This short video clip shows the sugar being used to feed bees ahead of their winter lockdown.